


The following is a list of services provided by the XML API.


Account Information


Service: GetOxSession

Explanation: Returns a session to enable access to the account. This is not the preferred method and it will be removed (the preferred method is GetOxSessionWithSource). 

Parameters:  sUserName, sPassword, sSessionID(*this parameter is left empty)

Results Notes: An <ErrorMsg> is returned if unable to get a sessionID (i.e. Need to enable account for XML/Software Access in account profile).



Notes: The account must be enabled for XML. Otherwise, this service will fail.


Service: GetOxSessionWithSource

Explanation: Returns a session to enable access to the account.  To get your given sSource contact OptionsXpress.

Parameters:  sUserName, sPassword, sSessionID(*this parameter is left empty), sSource

Results Notes: An <ErrorMsg> is returned if unable to get a sessionID (i.e. Need to enable account for XML/Software Access in account profile). 

Example: https://oxbranch.optionsxpress.com/accountservice/account.asmx/GetOxSessionWithSource? sUserName=XMLUser&sPassword=HJ7D88&sSessionID=&sSource=Test


Service: GetCustPositions

Explanation: Returns the customer positions

Parameters:  sSessionID

Results Notes: A <Message> parameter is returned if there is an error (i.e. Invalid Login or Session). Otherwise no <Message> is returned

Example: https://oxbranch.optionsxpress.com/accountservice/account.asmx/GetCustPositions?sSessionID=5FBD08BE855743989EED5FD229FA11FB


Service: GetCustPositionsSOD

Explanation: Returns the customer positions at the start of the day

Parameters:  sSessionID

Results Notes:

Example: https://oxbranch.optionsxpress.com/accountservice/account.asmx/GetCustPositionsSOD?sSessionID=5FBD08BE855743989EED5FD229FA11FB


Service: GetCustBalance

Explanation: Returns the customer's current balance (buying power, cash, option requirements, pending purchases, margin, equity, etc.)

Parameters:  sSessionID

Results Notes:

Example: https://oxbranch.optionsxpress.com/accountservice/account.asmx/GetCustBalance?sSessionID=5FBD08BE855743989EED5FD229FA11FB


Service: GetCustOrders

Explanation: Returns the customer orders for the given time period

Parameters:  sSessionID, sStartDate, sEndDate

Results Notes:

Example: https://oxbranch.optionsxpress.com/accountservice/account.asmx/GetCustOrders?sSessionID=81548B5916A244DEA0546D479EA6F7BB&sStartDate=09/15/2004&sEndDate=09/22/2004


Service: GetCustActivity

Explanation: Returns the customer activity for the given time period

Parameters:  sSessionID, datStartDate, datEndDate

Results Notes:

See the transaction id-transaction description table at the end of the document.

Example: https://oxbranch.optionsxpress.com/accountservice/account.asmx/GetCustActivity?sSessionID=81548B5916A244DEA0546D479EA6F7BB&datStartDate=09/15/2004&datEndDate=09/22/2004


Future Service: GetCustContingentOrders

Explanation: Returns the customer orders for the given time period

Parameters:  sSessionID, sStartDate, sEndDate

Results Notes:

Example: https://oxbranch.optionsxpress.com/accountservice/account.asmx/GetCustContingentOrders?sSessionID=81548B5916A244DEA0546D479EA6F7BB&sStartDate=09/15/2004&sEndDate=09/22/2004





Service: GetGenericQuote

Explanation: Returns quote information about a stock or option (in the future it will allow other quotes such as mutual funds and single stock futures)

Parameters:  sSessionID, sSymbol, sSecurityType(this argument will be used in the future), sForceDelayed

Results Notes: Without a session the quotes are delayed.  Quotes are also delayed for accounts that do not have real time quotes. <sQuoteType> indicates if the quotes are real time or delayed

Example: https://oxbranch.optionsxpress.com/accountservice/order.asmx/GetGenericQuote?sSessionID=81548B5916A244DEA0546D479EA6F7BB&sSymbol=TLAB&sSecurityType=



Service: PlaceStockOrder

Explanation: Places a stock order for the given account

Parameters:  sSessionID, sSymbol, sAction, dQty, sTIF, bAON, sOrderType, dLimitPrice, dStopPrice Results Notes: Returns the order id <lOrderID> (with value>0) or an error message <sError>

Example: https://oxbranch.optionsxpress.com/accountservice/order.asmx/PlaceStockOrder?sSessionID=81548B5916A244DEA0546D479EA6F7BB&sSymbol=TLABS&sAction=BUY&dQty=56&sTIF=day&bAON=false&sOrderType=LIMIT&dLimitPrice=0.5&dStopPrice=0


Service: PlaceStockOrderWithRoute

Explanation: Places a stock order for the given account with a route destination

Parameters:  sSessionID, sSymbol, sAction, dQty, sTIF, bAON, sOrderType, dLimitPrice, dStopPrice, sRoute

Results Notes: Returns the order id <lOrderID> (with value>0) or an error message <sError>

Example: https://oxbranch.optionsxpress.com/accountservice/order.asmx/PlaceStockOrder?sSessionID=81548B5916A244DEA0546D479EA6F7BB&sSymbol=TLABS&sAction=BUY&dQty=56&sTIF=day&bAON=false&sOrderType=LIMIT&dLimitPrice=0.5&dStopPrice=0&sRoute=ARCA


Service: PlaceContingentStockOrder

Explanation: Places a stock order contingent on conditions given

Parameters:  sSessionID, sSymbol, sAction, dQty, sTIF, bAON, sOrderType, dLimitPrice, dStopPrice, sContingentSymbol, sContingentDirection, dContingentPrice, sContingentTrigger, sContingentTIF, bContingentTime, sContingentBeginTime, sContingentEndTime, dBufferedLimit

Results Notes: Returns the order id <lOrderID> (with value>0) or an error message <sError>




Service: PlaceTrailingStopStockOrder

Explanation: Places a trailing stop stock order

Parameters:  sSessionID, sSymbol, sAction, dQty, sTIF, bAON, sOrderType, dLimitPrice, dStopPrice, sTrailSymbol, sTrailDirection, dTrailAmount,sTrailType, sTrailTrigger, sTrailTIF, bTrailTime, sTrailBeginTime, sTrailEndTime, dBufferedLimit

Results Notes: Returns the order id <lOrderID> (with value>0) or an error message <sError>




Service: PlaceExtendedHoursOrder

Explanation: Places a stock order to be traded during the "extended hours" period

Parameters:  sSessionID, sSymbol, sAction, dQty, dLimitPrice

Results Notes: Returns the order id <lOrderID> (with value>0) or an error message <sError>

Example: https://oxbranch.optionsxpress.com/accountservice/order.asmx/PlaceExtendedHoursOrder?sSessionID=6A20C95C2D004536AC28EFC32A3374A6&sSymbol=csco&sAction=buy&dQty=17&dLimitPrice=12.3


Service: PlaceStockOrderWithoutCheck

Explanation: This service is the same as PlaceStockOrderWithRoute.  However, it does not enforce the need to place a BTOC order on short stock.  i.e. it allows a buy on a short position.


Service: PlaceOptionOrder

Explanation: Places an option order for the given account

Parameters:  sSessionID, sSymbol, sAction, dQty, sTIF, bAON, sOrderType, dLimitPrice, dStopPrice Results Notes: Returns the order id <lOrderID> (with value>0) or an error message <sError>




Service: PlaceOptionOrderWithRoute

Explanation: Places an option order for the given account and directs it to the given exchange (route)

Parameters:  sSessionID, sSymbol, sAction, dQty, sTIF, bAON, sOrderType, dLimitPrice, dStopPrice,sRoute Results Notes: Returns the order id <lOrderID> (with value>0) or an error message <sError>




Service: PlaceContingentOptionOrder

Explanation: Places an option order contingent on conditions given

Parameters:  sSessionID, sSymbol, sAction, dQty, sTIF, bAON, sOrderType, dLimitPrice, dStopPrice, sContingentSymbol, sContingentDirection, dContingentPrice, sContingentTrigger, sContingentTIF, bContingentTime, sContingentBeginTime, sContingentEndTime, dBufferedLimit

Results Notes: Returns the order id <lOrderID> (with value>0) or an error message <sError>




Service: PlaceTrailingStopOptionOrder

Explanation: Places a trailing stop option order

Parameters:  sSessionID, sSymbol, sAction, dQty, sTIF, bAON, sOrderType, dLimitPrice, dStopPrice, sTrailSymbol, sTrailDirection, dTrailAmount,sTrailType, sTrailTrigger, sTrailTIF, bTrailTime, sTrailBeginTime, sTrailEndTime, dBufferedLimit

Results Notes: Returns the order id <lOrderID> (with value>0) or an error message <sError>




Service: PlaceSpreadOrder (to be deprecated, use PlaceMultiLegOrder instead)

Explanation: Places a 2 legged option order for the given account (combo, spread, straddle, or strangle)

Parameters:  sSessionID, sSymbol(2), sAction(2), dQty(2), sTIF, sOrderType, dLimitPrice, dStopPrice

Note: for the parameters we need to pass 2 symbols, 2 actions and 2 quantities (one per leg)

Results Notes: Returns the spread id <lOrderID> (with value>0) or an error message <sError>




Service: PlaceMultiLegOrder

Explanation:  This is the preferred service to place any trade with 2 or more legs: combo, spread, straddle, strange, covered_call, protective_put, butterflies, collars or combos.

Parameters:  sSessionID, sSymbol(n), sAction(n), dQty(n), sTIF, sOrderType, dLimitPrice, dStopPrice

Notes: for the parameters we need to pass n symbols, n actions and n quantities (one per leg).  In general n=2 except for collars (n=3), butterflies (n=3) and condors (n=4).

For trades that have mixed stocks and options (i.e. covered calls, protective puts and collars), the first leg always has to be the stock.

Results Notes: Returns the spread id <lOrderID> (with value>0) or an error message <sError>










Service: CancelSingleOrder

Explanation: Cancels a 1 legged order (i.e. stock or option)

Parameters:  sSessionID, lOrderID

Results Notes:



Service: CancelReplaceSingleOrder

Explanation: Allows to modify an existing single legged order

Parameters:  sSessionID, lOrderID, dQty, sTIF, bAON, sOrderType, dLimitPrice, dStopPrice

Results Notes:



Service: CancelComboOrder

Explanation: Cancels a spread or multi-legged order

Parameters:  sSessionID, lComboID

Results Notes:



Service: CancelReplaceComboOrder

Explanation: Allows to modify a 2-legged option order

Parameters:  sSessionID, lComboID,dLimitPrice, sTIF

Results Notes:





Service: GetOptionDragon

Explanation: Returns the desired drago query

Parameters: sPageID



Parameter Explanation

sSessionID: A valid OptionsXpress session that can be obtained using the GetOxSession or GetOxSessionWithSource services.  

sUserName: The username to be validated with the corresponding password.  Must be a valid OptionsXpress username

sPassword: The password for the corresponding username

sSource: The XML client used

sForceDelayed: When set to TRUE, the quotes returned will be delayed regardless of the account type.  Note: the session still needs to be a valid session.

sStartDate: The start date for the query.  The format should be MM/DD/YYYY, ie. 02/23/2004

datStartDate: Same as sStartDate

sEndDate: The end date for the query.  The format should be MM/DD/YYYY, ie. 02/23/2004

datEndDate: Same as sEndDate


sSymbol: Any valid stock or option symbol (e.g. MSFT, .CYQGH). Must be an option or have length 1 to 6 characters.

sSecurityType: Future parameter, for now leave empty.

sAction: The transaction type

For Options:

a. BTO – Buy to Open

b. STO – Sell to Open

c. BTC – Buy to Close

d. STC – Sell to Close


For Stocks:

e. BUY – Buy

f. SELL – Sell

g. SHRT – Sell Short

h. BTOC - Buy to cover

dQty: The quantity or quantities of stock/options for the order.  Must be a valid integer.

sTIF: (Time In Force) The duration of the order

a. DAY – Day Order

b. GTC – Good Until Cancelled

bAON:(All Or Nothing).

a. True

b. False


              For Stock and Options use

              a. MKT or MARKET = Market Order

              b. LMT or LIMIT = Limit Order

              c. STP or STOP = Stop Order

              d. STP_LMT or STOP_LIMIT = Stop Limit Order

              e. MKT_CLOSE = Market on Close


              For multi leg orders/spreads

              f. MKT or MARKET = Market Order

              g. EVN or EVEN = Even trade

              h. DEBIT = A debit order

              i. CREDIT = A credit order


              For contingents/trailing stops in addition we can get an order type of

              j. BFL = Buffered Limit


              For b, d, h and i the limit price must be greater than 0

              For c and d the stop price must be greater than 0

dLimitPrice: A valid positive float value.  The value can be 0 except as determined by the OrderType

dStopPrice: A valid positive float value.  The value can be 0 except as determined by the OrderType

sRoute(stock): The destination route for the stock: ARCA (any other value will use the default routing)

sRoute(options):The destination exchange

a. NBBO = National best bid or offer

b. CBOE or RAZ

c. AMEX or AMO

d. PSE or POE

e. PHLX or ATM

f. ISE

g. BOX


sContingentSymbol/sTrailSymbol:The symbol on which the contingent rules apply. Valid values are the same as those for sSymbol.


              a. greater

              b. less


              a. up

              b. down

dContingentPrice: any value greater than 0

dTrailAmount: any value greater than 0

sTrailType: Determines if the amount is a percentage or absolute points.




              a. std - Standard

              b. bid

              c. ask

              d. last

sContingentTIF/sTrailTIF: Same rules as sTIF

bContingentTime/bTrailTime: A boolean value that determines if we use the contingent/trail range times (sContingentBeginTime-sContingentEndTime/ sTrailBeginTime-sTrailEndTime)

              a. True

              b. False

sContingentBeginTime/sTrailBeginTime: Should be 5 characters eastern time in the form xx:xx. 

              For example 10:30, 14:30, etc.  Begin Time most be prior to end time and in the range 09:30 to 16:15

sContingentEndTime/sTrailEndTime: Same rules as sContingentBeginTime

dBufferedLimit: Any positive value.  Used for Order Type of BFL.  It determines the buffer limit.


              a. COVERED_CALL

              b. SPREAD

              c. STRADDLE

              d. BUTTERFLY

              e. COLLAR

              f. CONDOR

              g. COMBO

              h. PROTECTIVE_PUT


Parameters for cancel and modify orders

lOrderID: The valid order id to be cancelled / modified

lComboID: The valid spread id of a multi-legged order to be cancelled


To Modify a multi-legged order you can cancel the existing order and place a new one (in the future we will provide modify functionality).


Result Parameters


GetCustActivity returns a TransactionType and TransactionTypeDescr. Here are the possible values:


1              Money  Transfer             

2              Dividends             

3              I.R.             

4              Pay Checks             

5              Option Trade

6              Stock Trade             

7              A=Commission Adjustment             

8              C=Cash Record             

9              D=Dividend Record (long positions)             

10              E=Dividend Record (short positions)             

11              F=Cash and Receive/Delivery Record             

12              H=Security Master Record             

13              J=Receive/Delivery Records-Location             

14              K=Receive/Delivery Records-Location             

15              O=Open Order Record             

16              R=Receive/Deliver Record             

17              S=Receive/Delivery Record-Location             

18              T=Trade Record             

19              U=Split or TTO Commission Records             

20              Money Market Sweep             

21              Spread Trade             

22              Covered Call Trade             

23              Straddle Trade             

24              Deposit             

25              Commission Adjustment             

26              Wire Transfer             

27              Balance Adjustment             

28              Mutual Fund Trade             

29              Bond Trade             

30              PositionAdjustment             

31              Collar Trade             

32              Butterfly Trade             

33              Interest             

34              Condor Trade             

35              Combo Trade             

36              Held Funds             

37              Protective Put Trade             

38              SSF Trade             

39              Investment Club Deposit             

40              Investment Club Withdrawal             

41              Assignment             

42              Exercise             

43              Busting - ReBuild Trade             

44              Busted - Canceled Trade             

45              ACAT             

46              ACH Direct Deposit             

47              ACH Direct WithDrawal             

48              Wire Deposit             

49              Wire Withdrawal             

50              Check WithDrawal             

51              Funds Received             

52              Dividend ReInvest             

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